Chinese Actors and Actresses

Although many people today watch Chinese dramas, they don’t usually understand the characters outside the drama — such as their personality, attitude, etc… In the drama, they may be evil and rude, but in real life, they could be sweet and friendly. Today, I am going to introduce you guys to three Chinese celebrities.

杨洋 (yáng yáng)

Yang Yang was born on September 9 1991, in Shanghai, China. He graduated from the People’s Liberation Army School of Arts Department (中国人民解放军艺术学院) in 2008. As a child, Yang Yang was very talented. Although he was a very skilled dancer, his dream was to become an actor. In 2007, Yang Yang was chosen to act as Jia Bao Yu in The Dream of Red Mansions (红楼梦), and that’s when people started to notice him. Yang Yang has been a hard-working actor all along. Two other dramas that he stared in were The Whirlwind Girl (旋风少女) and Love 020 (微微一笑很倾城)

张丹峰 (zhāng dān fēng)

Zhang Dan Feng (English: Andy Zhang) was born on April 1, 1981 in Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. He graduated from Shanghai Theatre Academy (上海戏剧学院). Zhang Dan Feng and his wife, Catherine Hung Yan, met in 2004, and they got married in 2009. He has two children, Ashley and Yannes. Not only is he is a handsome and hard-working actor, but he is also a caring father. Some of the dramas that he has starred in were The Journey of Flower (花千骨), Face Off (特化师), New My Fair Princess (新还珠格格), and The Drug Hunter (猎毒人).

刘亦菲 (liú yì fēi)

Liu Yi Fei (English: Crystal Liu) was born on August 25, 1987 in Wuhan, Hubei, China. She graduated from the Beijing Film Academy (北京电影学院). Crystal is an actress, singer, and model. Some of the songs she sang before are 放飞美丽 (fàngfēiměilì), 在水一方 (zàishuǐyīfāng), and 心悸 (xīnjì). Some of the dramas she is presented in were Once Upon a Time (三生三世十里桃花), The Return of the Condor Heroes (神雕侠侣), and A Chinese Fairy Tale (倩女幽魂), and she is currently filming for Mulan (花木兰)