Chinese American Celebrities: Vera Wang

Everyone has heard of Vera Wang. She’s one of the most famous clothing designers around the world. Let’s learn a bit more about her today!

Full Name: Vera Ellen Wang

Chinese Name: 王薇薇 (Wáng Wēiwei)

Birthday: June 27, 1949

Birth Place: New York City

Parents immigrated from: Shanghai

Chinese Zodiac: Ox

Education: Sarah Lawrence College, with a degree in Art History, Paris-Sorbonne University (study abroad), School of American Ballet, Chapin School

Fun Facts:

Wang was a talented, professional figure skater as a teenager.

She has worked for Vogue magazine and served as senior fashion editor at the age of 23.

She then worked for Ralph Lauren as the design director for accessories.

She is most well known for her sophisticated, elegant bridal wear. Many A-list Hollywood actresses have worn Wang’s designs for their weddings.

Vera Wang Wedding Dress

Wang not only has a wedding dress line, she also has
her own perfume, jewelry, home products, and less expensive clothing line (Simply Vera).

Now, let’s learn some Vera Wang associated vocabulary!

Bridal wear- 新娘装 Xīnniáng zhuāng

Wedding Dress- 结婚礼服 Jiéhūn lǐfú

Figure Skating- 花样滑冰 Huāyàng huábīng

Fashion Designer- 时装设计师 Shízhuāng shèjì shī

Hollywood- 好莱坞 Hǎoláiwù

Shanghai-上海 Shànghǎi

Magazine- 杂志 Zázhì

I hope you enjoyed learning about this famous Chinese-American designer! See you next week! 🙂

There are 3 comments

  1. 茱蒂

    Vera Wang 的中文名字是王薇薇,她是我最欣赏的一位服装设计师。现在她不仅仅设计高级的新娘礼服,还设计了卧房床组和一般中价位女装。真是替我们华人争光!

  2. 方靖昕

    我喜欢Vera Wang 的衣服。特别喜欢她的结婚礼服。这个文章很有意思。我学到很多关于VeraWang的事情。我学了很多新字。

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