Dragon Boat Festival 2018 (Part I)

One month from today, is China’s Dragon Boat Festival or 端午节! This is personally one of my favorite holidays and one of the most popular holidays in China. Here are two of the most popular traditions and customs of this holiday:

1. Racing Dragon Boats:
One of the major traditions of this holiday is to race dragon boats. This tradition is said to come from the story of QuYuan (which I will cover in Part II). A team of rowers row a boat in the shape of a dragon, with one person beating a drum to keep everyone in sync with each other.

2. Eating Rice Dumplings (粽子)
Also, on this holiday people eat rice dumplings! These are delicious rice balls usually filled with either red bean or meat. Interestingly, they are wrapped in bamboo leaves and can be steamed or boilded! They are so good!

Hope you learned a little bit about the Dragon Boat Festival! Stay tuned for Part II. Until next time, 再见!

There are 41 comments

  1. Daryn N.

    Very interesting article. I love learning about Chinese culture and this article did a really great job. We have many traditions that go along with holidays and it is very cool to see similar traditions in China. Hopefully I will be able to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival at some point in the future. Keep up the good work!

  2. Tiffany C

    This was such an interesting article. I’ve heard of dragon boat racing, but I’ve never witnessed or tried it myself. The picture you provided gives me a better understanding of the event. I am looking forward to the holiday. Thank you for covering this topic. I’m excited to see part 2!

  3. Juliann L

    Great article! I learned a lot about the different traditions of the Dragon Boat Festival from this article. I never knew that eating rice dumplings was a tradition during the Dragon Boat Festival! I also didn’t know what was inside them. I learned that the person beating the drum keeps everyone in sync, which is a super important job if the team wants to win. It’s great that Dragon Boat Festival is a holiday that brings everyone together. I can’t wait for part II to come out so I can learn more!

  4. Maya Yu

    Amazing job with the article! I find it fascinating to learn about Chinese holidays and how they contrast with Western ones. I remember eating dumplings around the time of the Dragon Boat Festival when I was younger! Dragon Boat Festival was always a holiday that brought my family together. I’m so excited to learn more about Dragon Boat Festival and QuYuan in your next article. Keep up the great work!

  5. Wesley Pergament

    Thank you for sharing some of the interesting details about the Dragon Boat Festival. I always find it so cool how so many people can effectively move a boat in sync just by listening to the sound of a drum. I would definitely need a lot of practice to master that skill. In addition, the rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo are so good. Next time I go to a Chinese restaurant, I’ll be on the lookout. Can’t wait to read about Part II!

  6. Matthew Lecher

    Jason, you did a wonderful job on this piece. You put into words how accessible culture is, and we are forever grateful. I look forward to celebrating this festival with my Chinese companions and friends, now that I have learned more about it. This is not the only way to celebrate, I can do so with my non-Chinese family, so they will have the ability to learn about this unique festival. I look forward to reading the sequel to your piece, I am sure it will be even better than this one.

  7. Pritesh P.

    I have heard of the Dragon Boat Festival before, but I never knew it was this interesting. I knew that people road boats that were in the shape of a dragon. However, I didn’t know that there was someone playing the drums to keep everyone in sync. Those rice dumplings look really tasty. I’m going to have to try it some day. Can’t wait to read part II Jason!

  8. Rona C.

    I grew up eating stuffed red bean 粽子, but I later found out that there are other ways of eating it. Instead of stuffing it with meat or red bean, they can also steam sticky rice plain with no fillings, and dip them in white sugar. The filling of the 粽子 can vary between the northern regions and the southern regions. The filling in the north is typically sweet, while the filling in the south is typically salty. 端午节 is one of my favorite festivals to celebrate because I love eating 粽子!

  9. Helen

    Wow! I really enjoy reading about 端午节. 端午节 is also one of my favorite holidays because one of my favorite foods is 粽子. My mom will always make 粽子 on 端午节, and my family and I will always watch the Dragon Boat Race. I think there’s also a story behind this holiday that I learned in Chinese School. It’s basically about this explorer who got lost in one of the seas, and people make 粽子 to feed the fishes so the fishes won’t eat the explorer. This article really brought back memories. Great job, Jason! I can’t wait to read Part II!!!

  10. Kelly Mui

    I see why the Dragon Boat Festival is your favorite holiday now! It’s amazing how the Chinese culture has impacted life even hundreds of years after they were first established. You’re definitely right about the rice dumplings, they’re really good! I don’t think there was ever a time that my family hasn’t ordered them for dim sum. Wonderful article!

  11. Helen

    Great job, Jason! 端午节 is also one of my favorite holidays because one of my favorite food is 粽子. Every year during this holiday, my mom will always make 粽子, and my family and I will always watch the Dragon Boat Race. I think there is also a story behind this holiday that I heard in Chinese school. It’s about this explorer who got lost in one of the seas, and the people make 粽子 for the fishes so the fishes won’t eat the explorer. Overall, I really liked this article, and this article really brings back memories. I can’t wait to read Part II!!!

  12. Emily

    Rice dumplings are one of my favorite foods! I love the various fillings such as salty egg yolk, peanuts, mushrooms, pork, and so much more. I never knew that rice dumplings were unique to this holiday. Next time, I would love to try a rice dumpling with red bean or something sweet. I also heard that dragon boat rowing is very hard too, and even harder to synchronize. Therefore, being a drummer must be a very important role, making sure everyone is working perfectly. Anyways, great job Jason! I can’t wait for part 2!

  13. Helen

    Great Article, Jason! 端午节 is also one of my favorite holidays because one of my favorite foods is the rice dumplings. There are many types of rice dumplings, and the one I eat the most is the one with peanuts. I think there’s also a story behind that holiday. The story talks about this explorer that got lost in the seas, and people make the rice dumplings for the fishes in order to prevent the fishes from eating the explorer. Overall, I love this article. I can’t wait until part II!!!

  14. Jye Shang

    Nice article Jason! The dragon boat festival sounds like a blast. Everything about the holiday is interesting. Even the boats which are in the shape of a dragon. Also, the rice balls that are covered with bamboo is something that I really enjoy. Thank you for sharing this article!

  15. Eric Wang

    Great and very well written article Jason! I never realized that the racing dragon boats came from the story of QuYuan. And I also never knew that it was a team of rowers row a boat in the shape of a dragon, with one person beating a drum to keep everyone in sync with each other. But after reading this article, I know so much more stuff and traditions about 端午节!Thanks for teaching me so much about this traditional Chinese holiday by writing this wonderful article, great job Jason!

  16. amy wang


  17. amy wang


  18. amy wang


  19. Jennifer Lin

    Jason, nice article! Thanks for informing me about the Dragon boat festival. I already knew that it has customs such as racing and eating rice dumplings, but it was interesting to read about it again! I recall eating 粽子 very frequently from times in my childhood. I look forward to reading your part II. Good job!

  20. Cali Liu


  21. Chase M. hecht

    I really like this article. I always find it interesting to learn about Chinese culture. I really want to go to China and watch a dragon boat race someday. I cant wait to read part II

  22. Eric Ma

    This is a really interesting article. I was very surprised when I learned new information about the dragon boat festival. I want to see a part two!!

  23. Jeff Bao

    Wow, Jason amazing article! This year has been so fast and I can’t believe it’s one month away! I knew that during the Dragon Boat Festival, there is a race of dragon boats, but I didn’t know that you eat sticky dumplings as well. As a kid, I really enjoyed eating sticky dumplings! Looking forward to Part II!

  24. stephen liang

    I have watched many dragon boat races, but I did not know that the purpose of the drummer was to keep the rowers in sync. Great article and pictures.

  25. Richard Ren

    Great job – I love eating rice dumplings during the dragon boat festival, but I’ve never actually watched the races. It’s really interesting that a person in the front beats a drum to keep everyone in sync with each other!

  26. Richard Ren

    Great job – I love eating rice dumplings during the dragon boat festival, but I’ve never actually
    watched the races. It’s really interesting that a person in the front beats a drum to keep everyone in
    sync with each other!

  27. Richard Ren

    Great job – I love eating rice dumplings during the dragon boat festival, but I’ve never actually watched the dragon boat races. It’s really interesting that a person in the front beats a drum to keep everyone in sync with each other!

  28. Joy Chang

    Nice article! 端午节也是我特别喜欢的一个节日。因为在这一天,我可以吃到很多不同口味的粽子(也是我喜欢端午节的主要原因!),还可以看到很多激烈的赛龙舟。我们家还习惯在端午节这一天佩香囊,悬艾叶菖蒲,寓意着辟邪驱瘟!同时端午节还有个小小的由来与传说呢:在公园278前,秦军攻破楚国京都。屈原眼看自己的祖国被侵略,心如刀割,但是始终不忍舍弃自己的祖国,于五月五日,在写下了绝笔作《怀沙》之后,抱石投汨罗江身死,以自己的生命谱写了一曲壮丽的爱国主义乐章!

  29. Nathan D.

    This was a great article. It was very enjoyable learning about the traditions tied with the Dragon Boat Festival. I remember having 粽子 in class in 9th grade and thinking that they tasted great. I also remember learning about the boat races in class and thinking that it would be really cool to watch in person.

  30. Dennis Chau

    Awesome job on this part 1, and great job with describing what’s going on during this festival.

  31. Preethi S.

    Wonderful article Jason! I learned a lot about the things Chinese people do during the Dragon Boat Festival from this article. I learned that rice dumplings were very unique to this holiday and what was inside them. I’ve never tried a rice dumpling before!! Also, it’s very interesting to leanr that in order for a team to win the game, the person beating the drum must be in sync with everyone else. I cant wait for part 2 so I can read more!

  32. Chelsea Bai


  33. Brian C.

    Great article! I also love to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, and remember seeing dragon boat racing on Tv. I eat rice dumplings every week, and usually eat them with meat. Thank you for teaching us 2 traditions celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival!

  34. Jessica Chen

    This article was interesting! I didn’t know that the person beating the drum is to keep everyone in sync. I love eating 粽子, but I’ve never tried one with red bean in it before.

  35. Leanne Lu

    Interesting article! I love rice dumplings, and dragon boat racing is such an interesting tradition. I didn’t know that during dragon boat racing, someone beats a drum to keep the rowers in sync.

  36. Amy Sheen

    This is a great article to read about The Dragon Boat Festival! I have actually never had Rice bamboo dumplings. Now I am curious to see what it tastes like. Also, I thought your information on the boat racing was very good. I am looking forward to reading Part II. Keep up the great work Jason!

  37. Gloria Cheng

    Before reading this, I barely knew anything about the Dragon boat festival. All I knew was that people raced boats. I learned that the tradition of racing boats is said to come from the story of QuYuan. I love learning about Chinese holidays!

  38. Celeste Traub

    I really enjoyed reading this article, because I didn’t know about the Dragon Boat Festival before. I always love learning about new Chinese holidays and traditions. The racing dragon boats seem like a lot of fun. The activity looks very similar to the sport rowing, but the boats are different since they are decorated as dragons. Also, rice dumplings are one of my favorite foods, and it is cool to see the tit is such an important food for this holiday!

  39. Pat S

    Amazing Article! It was a lot of fun to read!! I have heard of the Dragon Boat Festival before, but I never knew it was this interesting. I knew that people road boats that were in the shape of a dragon. However, I didn’t know that there was someone playing the drums to keep everyone in sync. Those rice dumplings look really tasty. I’m going to have to try it some day.

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