I’ll Wok With Yu: Fried Fish with Black Bean Sauce

For the next episode of “I’ll Wok with Yu” I’ve decided to make my favorite Cantonese dish: Fried Fish with Black Bean Sauce! This recipe holds near and dear to me as my popo always made fish on Fridays as a special treat. I hope you guys enjoy this recipe and comment on what you want to see next!

There are 9 comments

  1. Stephanie Cen

    I think this was so interesting. I remember my mom making many different variations of this fish. However, she has never made fish like this! I will show her this video, and hopefully, we can make this dish together. Your dish looks delicious! I will do my best to recreate it!

  2. Mackenzie Setton

    Wow, so cool! I love to cook, and this video made a seemingly complicated dish look so easy! I feel like I have to try to make it now! I have never had fried fish in a black bean sauce, but I would love to try it someday! I like how along with showing the food being made, simple instructions were labeled throughout the video as well. I hope to see more of your videos in the future. Thanks for sharing, amazing video!

  3. Oscar Yan

    This is so cool! I love eating fish but my parents don’t cook it like this. I’ll ask them to try that. I like that you show how to make the food along with adding instructions. I will watch more of your videos when they come out. Thanks so much for giving me this experience.

  4. Wesley Pergament

    This is an amazing video! I have never fully tried cooking my own meals but I’ve always helped my parents out at certain points so I’m interested in trying to make something myself soon. My parents have always been very into fish but I definitely wouldn’t say I enjoy it as much as them. Maybe I’ll try different dishes and see what I like. Additionally, love the creative title and excited to see more!

    1. Hitomi Honda

      Wow, your video really makes me want to try this fish and that’s saying a lot because I don’t particularly enjoy eating fish typically. Thanks for this delicious video and special thanks to your popo for passing on the secret recipe!

  5. Helen Zhang

    nice video. I love your dish! I looks so delicious. Even though I don’t really like eating fish, but I definitely would want to try that. I never really cook at home; the only dish I know how to make is tomato and egg-stir fry, which is a really common dish we eat at home. I should definitely try to make this dish at home!

  6. Joshua Dong

    Wow! This food looks really good! It looks like it was made by a professional. My mom is trying to get me to cook more so I guess I’ll try to cook this in the future. I don’t like peppers though and will try to look for alternatives. These cooking videos are cool and relaxing to watch. Keep up the great work!

  7. douglas chen

    Great Job! This fish looked very tasty! Since my dad took away my computer I’ve been bored, I tried cooking some fried rice but I had trouble with some thing as simple as that, and to think people at my age were already making advanced foods like this.Very impressive!

  8. Kyle Chan

    Wow! This looks so tasty, I really love eating fish and I think this dish would be perfect for myself. Usually, I try to make my own food and it doesn’t go well! This must be very hard and good to eat. Very impressive!

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