Movie Reflection – 和你在一起

我觉得这部电影太神奇了!这部电影的主角是刘小春。当电影刚开始的时候,这个男孩正忙着优雅地拉着小提琴,为生孩子奏乐。在整个故事中,他和他的父亲前往北京,为了进一步推动儿子的小提琴生涯。在过程中他们遇到了一些障碍,但我却觉得这促进了父子之间的关系。父亲希望儿子最后通过拉小提琴来获得名声和财富,但男孩感觉不一样。这个男孩想要享受并热爱拉小提琴的过程。在整部电影中,人们很容易发现小男孩逐渐对小提琴失去了兴趣,甚至牺牲了他的小提琴为电影里另一个重要人物莉莉买了一件夹克。 莉莉和刘小春之间最开始的联系是当莉莉心烦意乱的时候,她邀请了刘小春来她的公寓里做客。渐渐地,她与刘晓春建立了更重要的关系,并且成为了他生命中非常关键的人物。我觉得莉莉在刘小春的心里塑造了一位母亲的形象。我们可以推断出刘小春没有一个母亲,因为她从未在电影里出现。与莉莉的见面给了他一种他从未体验过的母亲的感觉。江教授并不是一个好老师。刘小春每天都被他送去做家务。导致刘晓春觉得自己与小提琴没有关系。我觉得这可能是他开始放弃对小提琴的热爱的原因。他根本没有从教授那里学习到任何东西。然而,当他被告知他不能再和江教授上课时,他开始哭了,这表明他与江教授的关系比我想象的更深。当刘小春与俞教授见面时,他经历了一次重大的生活变化。因为俞先生告诉刘小春他不能通过音乐来得到情感。他必须充满感情,并与音乐保持一致,相信自己的音乐并相信他的的演奏是值得的。然而,当俞先生意外地透露了刘小春的真实身世时,他们的关系变得很糟糕。俞先生透露刘小春是被遗弃在火车站的,而他的父亲在注意到椅子上的他后救了他,他的身边正放着一把小提琴。这就是刘小春的音乐生涯的开始。我觉得总的来说,通过电影里展现的悲伤与欢乐,刘小春的父亲刘成总在帮助他儿子寻找的最大的兴趣,即使他们没有血缘关系。刘成也将永远是李晓春所仰望的人,在第一时间会去寻求帮助的人。在电影的后期,火车站的场景再一次被应用。当父亲离开回家时,刘小春再找回之前卖掉的小提琴后,追上了父亲并打算与他一同回家。火车站的意义在于它将刘小春生命传回到他还是婴儿的时候,因为这是他被遗弃的地方,刘成找到了他,他们一起开始了他们的新生活!在整部电影中,我觉得刘小春的小提琴将所有主要人物聚集在一起,并帮助每个人都意识到人总能从生活里学到很多。在这部电影里,我学到的是每个人都在应该互相支持,你永远不应该放弃那些最想要你好的人!


I found this movie to be amazing! When the movie first started, the boy was rushed to help deliver a baby by beautifully playing his violin. Throughout the story, he and his father travel to Beijing to further the son’s violin career and run into certain bumps that I feel helped develop the connection between the father and the son. The father wanted the son to ultimately achieve fame and fortune by playing the violin, however, the boy did not feel the same way. The boy wanted to enjoy the violin, and play as he pleased. Throughout the movie, it was easy to tell that he was losing interest in the violin, and at one point even sacrificed his violin to buy a jacket for Lili, another important character in the movie. The connection between Lili and Liu XioaChun first started when she had him play in her apartment when she was upset. Throughout the movie, she builds a greater relationship with Liu XiaoChun and becomes a very important figure in his life. I feel that this relationship with Lili became a sort of mother figure for Liu XiaoChun. We can infer that Liu XiaoChun does not have a mother as she never appeared in the movie, and meeting Lili gave him a sort of mother type feeling that he had always been missing. While Liu XioaChun was being instructed by Professor Jiang, he did not feel as connected to the violin due to the fact that he was sent to do the professor’s chores every day, and I feel that is where he might have started to lose his love for the violin because he was not learning from his professor at all. However, when he is told that he cannot have lessons with Professor Jiang, he began to start crying, which shows me that he had a deeper connection to Professor Jiang than I might have thought. When Liu XioaChun meets Professor Yu, I feel like he went through a major life change, in that Mr. Yu taught Liu XiaoChun that he cannot truly play the violin by feeling emotion. He had to play with feeling and be in time with the music in order to be happy with his playing and feel as though his playing is worthwhile. However, Mr. Yu messed up badly when he accidentally gave away the true story of his upbringing and connection to his father. Mr. Yu revealed that Liu XioaChun had been abandoned at the train station, and his father had rescued him after noticing him tucked away on a chair with a violin next to him, which is how Liu XioaChun’s musical career first started. I feel that overall, LiuCheng, his dad, was looking out for his son’s best interest, and even though they are not related by blood, Liu Cheng will always be the person that Li XiaoChun will look up to and turn to for help and guidance through both happy and sad times as seen in the movie. Later in the movie, the train station is brought into the scene again when the dad is leaving to return home, but then Liu XiaoChun runs to find his dad to return home with him together after he finds his original violin that he had previously sold. The significance of the train station is that it circulates Liu XioaChun’s life back to when he was an infant, as this is the place in which he had been abandoned and Liu Cheng found him, in which they started their new life together! Throughout the movie, I feel that Liu XiaoChun’s violin brought all the main characters together and helped everyone realize that there is always a lesson to learn, and in this case, a lesson that everyone is there to support one another and that you should never abandon those who want the best for you!