Scintillating Silk

What is Silk?

Silk is a natural protein fiber, in which some of the various forms of silk can be woven into textiles. It is fine, soft, and glossy. It is produced by insect larvae (typically silkworms) to create cocoons. Silk had numerous industrial and economic uses; it’s typically used in the textile industry, as it is a suitable material for clothing.

Origin of Silk in China

Dating back to 3630 BC, the oldest silk was found in Henan Province in China. Silk was exceptionally valuable in China; one wearing silk was presumed to be of high status. Silk production was kept a secret in China. Since silk was of considerable monetary worth, upper-class Chinese people imposed a death threat on anyone who revealed the secret. Thus, anyone caught smuggling goods needed to produce silk would be put to death. Consequently, the secret of silk was zealously protected.

The Spread of Silk

It wasn’t until approximately 130 BC until Han Dynasty opened trade with the west. China monopolized silk production, and authorities strived to keep the secret of silk production to retain China’s monopoly. The Chinese silk spread along the notorious trade route which took its name, the Silk Road. Inevitably, China’s secret ended up becoming a known method of production amongst numerous countries. 

Interesting Facts

  • Peasants were finally allowed to wear silk clothing during the Qing Dynasty
  • In the 13th century, Italy was a major producer of silk
  • The Silk Road was named after Chinese silk

Works Cited

There are 2 comments

  1. Keira He

    It’s interesting that silk is made from insect larvae! I knew that silk was viewed as extremely valuable and an asset only for the wealthy, but I did not know that its production was kept a secret and that it was protected through harsh punishments for those compromising its confidentiality.

  2. Justin Yu

    When I go to China, I see lots of these clothings in shops, but I never really knew the backstory of this beautiful piece of clothing. Now I know that if I encounter any shop with these kinds of clothes, I know what the backstory is.

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