Vocabulary: Animals 动物 (dòng wù)

Hi everyone!

Last week we learned about different names for dogs. This week, we will be learning how to actually say certain types of animals in Chinese!

Let’s get started with “man’s best friend”: dog- 狗gǒu

cat- 猫 (māo)

fish- 鱼 (yú)

mouse- 老鼠 (láo shǔ)

turtle- 乌龟 (wū gūi)

panda- 熊猫 (xióng māo)

zebra- 斑马 (bān mǎ)

bear- 熊 (xióng)

elephant- 大象 (dà xiàng)

giraffe- 长颈鹿 (cháng jǐng lù)

rhinoceros- 犀牛 (xī níu)

cow- 牛 (níu)

Comment below on the types of animals you would like to learn to say in Chinese! Remember, always make sure to practice the tones correctly while speaking Chinese; if you forgot how the tones go, click here for a brief but comprehensive review!

Until next week!
