What is Bubble Tea?

It’s the cool, refreshing beverage that no one can get enough of! It’s sweet, creamy, chewy, and delicious! Its unique flavor and texture combinations make it a great beverage for adventurous eaters. It’s bubble tea (also commonly referred to as 珍珠奶茶 (zhēnzhū nǎichá), boba tea, or boba)! The experience of drinking boba from start to finish is enjoyable, from the satisfying snap of breaking through the plastic seal with huge colorful straws to chewing the bouncy, sweet tapioca pearls—an experience alone that raises it a tier above any other beverage. Its delightful taste is one that is largely untranslatable and can only truly be experienced when it is tried first-hand! All in all, bubble tea is simply a refreshing drink meant for everyone to try and savor. 

In its most standard form, bubble tea contains tapioca pearls, milk, and black tea. However, deviating from this classic bubble tea, there are more unique combinations with different flavors that may better suit your taste. For instance, for those who don’t drink milk, there are fruit-filled bubble tea drinks that consist of much of the same refreshing, satisfying textures. In fact, there are various versions of the fruit-filled bubble tea drink, including ingredients such as lychee, aiyu jelly, winter melon, strawberries, or lemon. Fruit-filled bubble tea is a great beverage to indulge in when you’re looking for something unique, fresh, and fulfilling! Additionally, there are other variations of bubble tea too such as the popular brown sugar boba. This variety has risen in popularity in recent years, especially in Taiwan, due to its sweet, syrupy taste. The addition of the brown sugar syrup adds a layer of sweetness and creaminess that contributes to its bursting flavor. There truly is a bubble tea tailored to everyone’s taste.

Bubble tea originated in Taiwan several decades ago and has now become a staple of Taiwanese culture and cuisine as there are now over 21,000 boba shops in Taiwan alone. Furthermore, some shops have become so successful that they’ve expanded internationally, most notbaly CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice, Tiger Sugar, or Gong Cha, which have become global hits, especially in America.

There’s no better time than now to plan your next visit to a bubble tea shop! Its delightful taste will speak for itself, so go out there and try something new!






There are 26 comments

  1. hannah

    This article is really cool and I didn’t know there were that many flavors. I’ve tried classic bubble tea before. I’ve been to a few bubble tea stores such as Coco.

  2. Ryan Cheung

    我非常喜欢喝珍珠奶茶因为珍珠奶茶很好喝!我不知道珍珠奶茶有不一样的口味。我喜欢跟家人一起去Gong Cha买珍珠奶茶。

  3. Katherine Lee


  4. Shannon Li

    I love to drink bubble tea and I think it’s really cool that you have so many details about it. The description of the taste and flavor is so nice and I would like to try those new flavors of bubble tea! I also never knew that bubble tea originated in Taiwan, that’s so awesome!

  5. Nick Wong


  6. Jay Pierre


  7. Keira He


  8. Darren Cen


  9. Anahita Chowdhary


  10. Isabell Cheuk


  11. Bodhi Geslani


  12. Justin Yu

    我也很喜欢喝这个。我的舅舅也有一个 bubble tea 店。纽约有很多喝 bubble tea 的店。

  13. Angelina Kwong


  14. Stephanie Li

    This is so cool how there are so many variations in flavors of bubble tea, I found it so interesting to read about!

  15. Evan Sun


  16. Gabby M Gibbs


  17. Jonathan Cheng


  18. Brendan Shek


  19. Isabella Martinez

    我很喜欢珍珠奶茶。我最喜欢Taro奶茶。我有时候去Gongcha在Broadway Mall。

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