
中国年轻人都在吃什么?天寒地冻,许多人不愿外出就餐,选择窝在家里叫外卖。为了让客人及时吃上热气腾腾的饭菜,许多送餐人员不得不冒着寒冷去送餐。外卖渐渐融入我们的生活,以往家里不想做饭就下馆子,天气寒热馆子都懒得去直接泡面。现在的外卖使得我们生活质量提高了不少,还可以根据评价知道哪家的外卖最好吃。根据小编浏览多家外卖软件的统计下,我发现现在很多年轻人都很喜欢买麻辣小龙虾,香辣鸡腿堡,皮蛋瘦肉粥,以及油条豆浆。麻辣小龙虾是现在中国年轻人以爱吃的宵夜之一,偶尔约几个朋友,在家里看着电视吃着小龙虾是一件非常惬意的事。你们知道吗,小龙虾其实是从美国来的侵袭物种(invasive species)但是在中国人民不断的努力下,它成为了我们餐桌上必不可少的美食之一。至于香辣鸡腿堡为什么可以这么红小编也不知道,但是你要知道香辣鸡腿堡可不是在美国诞生的,中国美食这么多,肯德基麦当劳要想活下去就必须改编自己的产品才能在中国卖的出去,然后就搞出了个香辣鸡腿堡,在后来进入美国市场销售,深受美国人喜爱。看来论吃还得来中国。皮蛋瘦肉粥和油条豆浆都是非常受欢迎的早餐,很多时候我们没有时间吃早餐就会早早的订到公司或者学校等到了再吃。中国的外卖行业非常的发达,有人认为只是一件好事,但也有人认为这是一件坏事。你们怎么看呢?

There are 15 comments

  1. Maya Yu

    Great article Tina! Your articles are always very unique and informative! I didn’t know about China’s takeout industry and how developed it was! If certain takeout food companies want to succeed, they would have to adopt Eastern tastes. I also did not know that 小龙虾 is an invasive species from the United States! Keep up the amazing work, Tina!

  2. Helen Zhang

    Nice article Tina! I agree that more and more Chinese people are ordering takeouts nowadays. Since I personally don’t know how to cook, I would always order Chinese takeouts for dinner. I also learned a lot from this article, before reading this, I had no idea that 小龙虾 came from America, I always thought it was Chinese food. I love 小龙虾! I would always eat it when I go out with my family to buffets.

  3. Claire Ma

    I didn’t know there was such a thing in China. I know in America, there is something called UberEats and it’s similar to Takeaway where you can order food. I think it’s very easy and convenient for busy people nowadays who don’t have time to cook or just feeling lazy. I can see why some people think Takeaway is a bad idea making people get lazier, but I think it’s a genius idea. I didn’t know that many of China’s food came into United State’s markets. Hopefully, the takeout industry could continue to grow.

  4. Joey Liu

    Two summers ago I visited China and I was shocked at how convenient food delivery was. I didn’t get to have the whole experience because my mom limited how much fast food I was allowed to consume. But through Chinese shows that I watch occasionally I was able to see how takeout is such a big part of many people’s lives. I view this fast food system as both good and bad. It’s good because its convenient and saves time, but its bad because it allows many young people to be eating unhealthy food for every meal. Thanks for the article!

  5. Lucy cao


  6. Oscar Yan

    Great ArticIe didn’t know there was such a thing in China. I know in America some people useUberEats and it’s similar to Takeaway. I think it’s very easy and convenient for busy people nowadays who don’t have time to cook or just feeling lazy. People are also eating a lot of unhealthy food. I think this industry will continue to grow and prosper

  7. Eric Wang

    Great article Tina! Your articles are always very unique and informative! I didn’t know about China’s takeout industry and how developed it was! If certain takeout food companies want to succeed, they would have to adopt Eastern tastes. Great ArticIe didn’t know there was such a thing in China. I know in America some people useUberEats and it’s similar to Takeaway. I think it’s very easy and convenient for busy people nowadays who don’t have time to cook or just feeling lazy. I didn’t know that many of China’s food came into United State’s markets. Hopefully, the takeout industry could continue to grow.

  8. Sabrina Pan

    Nice article! I didn’t know that 小龙虾 was an invasive species from America since it is cooked in many well known Chinese dishes. Also, I think that 外卖 may be both a negative and positive thing for people.

  9. Joshua Cheuk

    Cool article! This method of take away food is similar to America’s. It has made eating food more convenient for those that order. If western food companies want to survive and gain more money, they should sell food that stays true to the brand, but they should serve food that suits the country’s culture and taste. It is amazing how China’s fast food industry has developed. Thanks for the article!

  10. Angel Chang


  11. flora qin

    this was super interesting to read! whenever i go back to shanghai, my cousin would always order 外卖 for breakfast. just thinking about it makes me miss the food. although its convenient, quick, and does no consume time, it also makes people lazier and make individuals develop unhealthy lifestyles. thank you for this amazing article!

  12. Stephanie Cen

    This was such an informative and interesting article! In America, we have Ubereats. I didn’t know there was such a thing in China. People are also eating a lot of unhealthy food, so I think this industry will continue to grow and prosper. I always get Chinese food, so this is so interesting to learn about! Great article!

  13. Feifan Li


  14. Andy Jiang

    Great article! Being a regular user of food delivery services, I was intrigued by how food delivery services differ in China. I’m jealous of the fact that tasty China food is so accessible! I also did not know that 小龙虾 is an invasive species from the United States! Good job!

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