

这道家常炖菜的做法非常繁琐,炖的时间不能小于三个小时。并且这道的菜的选材也至关重要。要想做出好吃的小鸡炖蘑菇,蘑菇一定要选择上好的松菇。松菇,顾名思义松树下生长的蘑菇。这种蘑菇不仅可以 衬托出鸡肉的鲜香,而且入口爽滑。小鸡炖蘑菇中必不缺少的一味食材便是粉丝或宽粉。粉丝晶莹剔透爽滑而绵实,而宽粉煮熟后的韧劲受到广大群众的热烈欢迎。

这道菜之所以在东北发扬光大是因为这道菜营养价值高。在东北这个极为寒冷的地方吃一道抗寒的菜是非常重要的。东北人在大年初一和大年初三的时候都不可以再开火因为要送灶神,所以在大年三十的时候一定要吃的特别有营养而且要御寒。第二个原因是因为我们用的食材都是就地取材。东北的农村里家家户户都会养上一些鸡,鸭,猪,牛,羊等等这类的可食用的动物。于是每到过年的时候东北人便会用这些家养的可食用的动物来做晚餐。 因为地域的天气原因,这里的松树特别的多,而且我们这里四处环山山便有许许多多的蘑菇和野菜可供我们食用。




There are 8 comments

  1. Matthew Lecher

    How lovely, Tina. I am a bit of a chef myself, and I shall be looking forward to adding this to my repertoire of recipes. The dish not only sounds delicious, but also looks and I’m sure would smell good too. I do enjoy incorporating mushrooms into my cooking, specifically truffles and chanterelles, which I can put on top of pasta or steak. I look forward to telling you about other recipes that can use these ingredients, as well as recipes from my Austrian heritage and Jewish culture. Thank you very much for this article, Tina. It was a real treat.

  2. Maya Yu

    Great job with your article, Tina! Your articles are always a fascinating read. This dish sounds delicious! I didn’t know that this dish was highly nutritional — with chicken and stewed mushrooms. I didn’t know about the idiom: “姑爷进门,小鸡断魂.” I think the meaning is very comical and sweet! Additionally, I didn’t know that, due to the numerous pine trees, mushrooms and wildlife is abundant.

  3. Kevin Liu

    小鸡炖蘑菇真的是我最爱吃的菜肴之一。 从小我的家人就给我一直做这个炖菜, 东北菜有许多炖菜,所以这道菜比较常见

  4. Dillon Jia

    Great article Tina! Your article is very interesting. Stewed mushrooms sounds tasty. I didn’t know that the mushroom had to be grown under a pine tree. I also find it very interesting that the mushrooms bring out the taste of the chicken. I will be trying out this dish soon. Great job!

  5. Eric Wang

    Your articles are always a fascinating read. This dish sounds delicious! I didn’t know that this dish was highly nutritional — with chicken and stewed mushrooms.I also find it very interesting that the mushrooms bring out the taste of the chicken. I will be trying out this dish soon. Great job! I really like that 所以在大年三十的时候一定要吃的特别有营养而且要御寒。第二个原因是因为我们用的食材都是就地取材。东北的农村里家家户户都会养上一些鸡,鸭,猪,牛,羊等等这类的可食用的动物。maybe i’ll try to make it at home. Great article!

  6. Eric Wang

    Great job with your article, Tina! Your articles are always a fascinating read. This dish sounds delicious! I didn’t know that this dish was highly nutritional — with chicken and stewed mushrooms. I also find it very interesting that the mushrooms bring out the taste of the chicken. I will be trying out this dish soon. Great job! I also really like that 在大年三十的时候一定要吃的特别有营养而且要御寒。第二个原因是因为我们用的食材都是就地取材。东北的农村里家家户户都会养上一些鸡,鸭,猪,牛,羊等等这类的可食用的动物。Maybe i’ll try to make it at home by myself

  7. Andrew Lee

    Thanks for this article as it described a very tasty meal of Chinese cuisine that I want to try. It was very descriptive about the stew, and it is interesting that people add chicken and mushrooms together inside the stew. It seems that this stew would take a long time to make and would require a lot of energy as you wrote that it takes three hours at least. I also never knew that people eat this because it has such a high nutritional value as well as is very warm in the cold northeast region. I liked how you included many details about the actual stew, and informed me about the specific type of mushroom that is best in this soup. Overall, making this seems very cumbersome, but the stew looks very delicious. I hope to try this Chinese stew in the future.

  8. Andrew Cheung

    Great article ! I found this to be very informative, and it is quite impressive how the whole article is written in Chinese. This dish deserves a place among the few dishes that can be delicious yet healthy. However, this dish would appear to require a little more time and effort, as it typically takes no less than 3 hours to finish. In the harsh, cold climate of northeastern China, this simple stew is the solution that brings warmth and joy. It seems that many of th eingredients must be very specific like the mushrooms, in order to reproduce such a delicacy. Overall, I believe that complex foods are not always the best, and that all of the work that goes towards making this simple stew is not fruitless, as you will be rewarded with a warm, hearty nutritional meal.

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