
在西方语言里, “中国”这个词语不但代表 China, 而且也代表瓷器的来源. 在数千年前, 中国曾经是世界上唯一生产瓷器的国家. 这也代表着世界的所有瓷器都来自中国.有很多古代文明会做陶器, 可是只有中国人实验出了瓷器. 陶器是用粘土做成的. 然后再把粘土烧到八百度左右. 可是, 如果把粘土烧到比八百度还要高的话, 那么粘土就会化成灰. 所以中国人发现了一种很特别的土, 如果把这种土烧到一千度,它不但不会化, 而且还会变得更硬. 这种土的后果会变成瓷.

中国瓷器有好几种: 宋瓷, 青花瓷, 和清朝的瓷器. 宋瓷里的瓷器都来自宋朝. 宋瓷里有很多著名的瓷窑. 青花瓷来自元朝. 它上面融合着波斯文化和蒙古文化的美好时光. 来自清朝的瓷器有很多色彩. 画出来的东西会变得跟逼真.虽然很多人不知道瓷器的来源, 可是瓷器却展示出我们祖先的先进和智慧.

代表- represent

瓷器- porcelain

生产- produce

陶器- pottery

化- melt/change

灰- ash/dust

著名- famous

逼真- realistic

先进- advance

智慧- knowledge/wisdom



There are 4 comments

  1. harrison Berger

    It is amazing how many types of porcelain there are. Also I am very surprised that china used to be the only porcelain producer. I didn’t know that different types of porcelain belong to different dynasty’s. I think it is cool that it is made of clay, I didn’t know that. Finally, it is cool that the clay is burned so hot all the way to 800 degrees. This article was very good.

  2. Joey Liu

    I never knew that China was once the only country in the world that produced porcelain products. I also never knew that porcelain was made out of clay. You have to heat the clay to around 800 degrees. If it is too hot, the clay will melt. However, if it isn’t hot enough, the clay won’t bake. Each dynasty also has different styles of porcelain. You can tell by the colors and the design of the porcelain which era the porcelain was produced.

  3. Jason Zheng

    I never knew how porcelain was made. Its interesting how the clay has to be heated to a certain temperature. If it is higher than that temperature, it will become ash. I didn’t know there were different types of porcelain. I didn’t know that China was the only country to make porcelain.

  4. amy yang


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