Interview: 访问台湾人!


Hi everyone! This week, my family friends came to America from Taiwan. I thought it would be a good idea to interview them and ask them some questions about the trip! Let’s get started! 🙂

Q1. What was your first impression when you landed?


Rose: 哇,好酷哦~![Wow, so cool!]

Ryan: 多元的人种。[So many different people.]

Q2. What was your impression of America before you came?


Rose: 有沙滩还有阳光。人都很热情但是最重要的就是他们都很外向。 [Beaches and sunshine. People are so kind-hearted and extroverted.]

Ryan: Country of Freedom

Q3. What do you think of America now?


Rose: 东西都好大哦!然后人都很好很善良制度完善。每个人都很守法。我想这就是美国非常进步得原因。 [Everything is so big! People are so nice and law-abiding. I think this is the reason for America’s improvement.]

Ryan: 开放的社会风气,人们都有自己的主见,乐于表达自己感情。 [People are very extroverted, have their own opinions, and make their own decisions.]

Q4. What is your opinion about this trip?


Rose: 我对这次旅行抱着很大的期望,结果却比自己原先的期望好很多。美国真是个很棒的国家。 [I had great expectations for this trip, but this trip surpassed by expectations. America is a great country.]

Ryan: 希望更了解这个国家。 [I hope to understand America better.]

Q5. What is the biggest difference between Taiwan and America?


Rose: 美国人比较看放,独立。台湾人比较保守,含蓄。还有,美国的移民很多。 [Americans are more free and independent. Taiwanese people are more conservative and reserved. Also, there are many immigrants in America.]

Ryan: Tip,人们不会隐藏感情。 [We have to give tips in America and Americans do not hide how they feel.]

Q6. Which do you like better?


Rose: 我比较喜欢美国。最喜欢他们得“自由”,还有大分量的食物让我永远不会饿肚子。 [I like America better. I especially like the freedom and also, the big portions of food never leave me feeling hungry.]

Ryan: 美式的食物,大分量。 [I like American food better, especially the big portions.]

Q7. Do you find anything weird here?


Rose: 没有什么特别奇怪的。 [Nothing out of the ordinary.]

Ryan: 不同种族住不同地区。[People of different races live in different places.]

Q8. What is your favorite place that you have visited so far?


Rose: 每个地方都喜欢! [I loved every place!]

Ryan: 最喜欢法拉盛。[I especially like Flushing.]

Q9. Are there any differences in the food?


Rose: 分量比台湾大太多了!每次都必须要外卖。 [The portions are a lot larger in the portions in Taiwan! We always have to take the food home.]

Ryan: 分量,butter. [The portions as well as the amount of butter they use.]


I thought that this would be a new and refreshing post for you guys to read. Hope you guys learned something new today! 🙂

There are 4 comments

  1. 茱蒂


  2. Wennie Zhao 赵国威 中文四


  3. Jeff Chou

    Taiwan is a great place for visiting. It has good places, and good people. Welcome all visitors to Taiwan.

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