What does being Chinese mean?

I am Chinese. What does that even mean? In the past, I was never proud of being Chinese. I thought that being Chinese just meant that I’m of Chinese descent. Now, I realize that I was so wrong. Being Chinese means having your family’s love and support, celebrating fun holidays, and being immersed in a way of life. In other words, the Chinese are less focused on family, instead of oneself. This is shown through having one’s last name- the first character of a Chinese name. Not only that, being Chinese means having utmost respect for your elders and teachers. Second, even though many cultures and nationalities celebrate many holidays, I feel that Chinese Holidays are the most vibrant and “extra.” For example, my favorite holiday is Chinese New Year. This is a great time to catch up with old friends and family.  In my family, my 外婆 and 外公, or my grandpa and grandma on my mom’s side, always spend weeks preparing over 15 dishes for 年夜饭, or New Years Eve dinner. On top of that, year after year, I can receive red envelopes! Third, being Chinese is a new way of life. From chopsticks to rice every night, Chinese people have always followed the same customs for thousands of years. I don’t know about you, but my mom nags me about drinking hot water and wearing slippers in the house. No matter what, even though my family is big and crazy, there’s one thing I’ll never regret- being Chinese.

There are 49 comments

  1. Erica H.

    I love your article Gloria! You wrote it very uniquely and creatively! I think most other nationalities should also enforce respect for the elders, and to show gratitude. Many people don’t appreciate their teachers anymore, and take them for granted, unlike the chinese culture. I think its cool that Chinese stick with their traditions after many years. This shows their dedication and love for their culture

    1. Audrey Chan

      I loved this article, Gloria! The title, “What Does Being Chinese Mean” immidietly pulled me in and want to read it. When I was younger, I would always question why I should be proud to be Chinese. I didn’t have any sense of pride in my culture or nationality. It was until recently that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my traditions and culture, and I should actually embrace these differences and celebrate our diversity!

    2. Audrey Chan

      This article was so interesting, Gloria! The title, “What Does Being Chinese Mean” immidietly pulled me in and want to read it. When I was younger, I would always question why I should be proud to be Chinese. I could not find a plausible reason to be proud of being Chinese. I didn’t have any sense of pride in my culture or nationality. It was until recently that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my traditions and culture, and I should actually embrace these differences and celebrate our diversity!

    3. Audrey Chan

      This article was so interesting, Gloria! The title, “What Does Being Chinese Mean” immidietly pulled me in and want to read it. When I was younger, I would always question why I should be proud to be Chinese. I could not find a plausible reason to be proud of being Chinese. I didn’t have any sense of pride in my culture or nationality. It was until recently that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my traditions and culture, and I should actually embrace these differences and celebrate our diversity!

    4. Audrey Chan

      This article was so interesting, Gloria! The title, “What Does Being Chinese Mean” immidietly pulled me in and want to read it. When I was younger, I would always question why I should be proud to be Chinese. I could not find a plausible reason to be proud of being Chinese. I didn’t have any sense of pride in my culture or nationality. Though, recently I finally have learned that it is our traditions and customs that make us unique and special. I have learned to take pride in being Chinese and the diversity it brings to my life.

      1. Raymond Chiu

        Chinese accomplishments throughout the centuries are numerous and is only one reason reason to be grateful. I believe that the crux of the post is to that to be Chinese is more than your ‘hardware’ it is your ‘software’ contributes to collective experience that has been endured the ages.

    5. Yaqoub

      I like Chinese, I believe that everyone in the world should have a chance to learn Chinese. Chinese holidays are events to cherish. As everyone who is of Chinese. Chinese is awesome

  2. Joanne Li

    Nice job Gloria! I feel that identifying with a culture always comes with embracing its traditions and a way of life. One’s family can also help someone fully celebrate their culture because many traditions can involve family. In addition, people can come together because of a shared culture. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Jessica Chen

    This was a great article! I used to not like being Chinese when I was young because I was so different from everyone else, but now I’m proud of being Chinese. I love the culture and holidays that I can celebrate with my family and relatives.

  4. Mathew Liang

    Nice Article! I agree that being Chinese is way more than the way you look and where your parents come from. It makes us special and different from other people and the way they act with their family.

  5. aaron yeung

    I totally agree that being Chinese is amazing.it makes us special. I love all of the holidays and family reunions.

  6. Sabrina Pan

    Awesome article Gloria! I also think that being Chinese is a great thing and there is so much of the Chinese tradition that is related to family.

  7. Andy Jiang

    Great article Gloria! You are very passionate and moving! Being also Chinese, I can most definitely relate! I fully agree with you. Great job!

  8. Pratim Chowdhary

    I thought this article was very informative. I didn’t know that being Chinese had so much meaning to it. Although I am not Chinese I can relate to the writing through my own culture. There is so much interesting backstory to being Chinese that I had never thought of before. Also the way this article was written made it very easy to read. Great Job Gloria Cheng!

  9. Claire Ma

    I agree with you, Gloria! It wasn’t until recently that I realized I should be proud of being Chinese. I’m grateful for all the Chinese culture that was infused into my life since I was little. I think it’s important that people shouldn’t be ashamed of who they are because that’s what makes us different. Although some customs and traditions might be tiring to follow, in the end, it’s who I am and what my family values. I am also really glad that being Chinese means celebrating Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year is also one of my favorite holidays because of all the food, family, and friends. Thanks for this article!

  10. flora qin

    this article was very creative and original! i relate a lot in the sense that in the past, i used to think being chinese just meant that i was of chinese descent. now, i love our culture because everyone shows a lot of respect for your family, elders, and teachers. i also love chinese new year because of the dedication, passion, love, and hard work every single person puts in to make it perfect. thank you, gloria!

  11. Dylan Patel

    Great article! I never knew being Chinese meant so much. I could still relate because I have traditions too. I didn’t know that Chinese tradition had so many similarities to Indian ones.

  12. Oscar Yan

    Great article! This is such a creative topic. I agree completely. Although when I was younger I didn’t understand much and just knew I was Chinese, I understand so much more now. I am grateful for how much it influenced how I lived and how it makes us different. There are a lot of traditions to follow and I have to be reminded a lot for most of them but in the end, it shows who I really am.

  13. Tiffany Chen

    This was a great article! I can relate to this so much. My favorite holiday is also Chinese New Year, and my grandparents do the same thing as yours. My parents also make me drink hot water and wear slippers. I really like how we have our last name first. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Stephanie Cen

    I can relate to this article so much because I understand how it feels to be of Chinese descent. I really appreciate that you brought light to how it feels to be Chinese. I think that Chinese culture has really changed the way I think and behave. I am very proud to say that I am Chinese, and I am glad you are too!

  15. Jason Suh

    Great article Gloria! I love your enthusiasm about celebrating your culture! I for one love being Korean-American and wouldn’t change it for anything! Furthermore, I also love Chinese culture and holidays especially! My favorite Chinese holiday is probably 端午节 because I love eating 粽子!Thanks for sharing!

  16. Wesley Pergament

    I love this reflection on your culture. Coming from a Jewish background, I have often questioned what that means as well. Of course, it’s slightly different as one is the people of a nation while the other is a religion, but I think they still have many similarities. I have always found the Chinese culture very interesting, which is why I constantly push myself to be immersed in something that is so different, so foreign. I find that I learn the most when I step out of my comfort zone. All in all, it’s nice to read reflections like these and gain a new perspective. Thank you for sharing!

  17. Audrey Chan

    This article was so interesting, Gloria! The title, “What Does Being Chinese Mean” immidietly pulled me in and want to read it. When I was younger, I would always question why I should be proud to be Chinese. I could not find a plausible reason to be proud of being Chinese. I didn’t have any sense of pride in my culture or nationality. Though, recently I finally have learned that it is our traditions and customs that make us unique and special. I have learned to take pride in being Chinese and the diversity it brings to my life.

  18. Morgan Park

    This article was very inspiring. It not only shows that being Chinese makes you unique, but that being unique is not a bad thing. I am not Chinese, but I know what its like to feel awkward being Korean. Due to this article, I have realized so many cool things about being Korean. Thank you for sharing.

  19. Eric Wang

    You wrote it very uniquely and creatively! I think most other nationalities should also enforce respect for the elders, and to show gratitude. This article was so interesting, Gloria! The title, “What Does Being Chinese Mean” immidietly pulled me in and want to read it. When I was younger, I would always question why I should be proud to be Chinese. I really appreciate that you brought light to how it feels to be Chinese. I think that Chinese culture has really changed the way I think and behave. I am grateful for how much it influenced how I lived and how it makes us different. There are a lot of traditions to follow and I have to be reminded a lot for most of them but in the end, it shows who I really am.

  20. Renee Lin

    It’s really great that you touched upon a subject like this. Especially for American born Chinese kids, sometimes it’s hard to find an identity. In general kids have a hard time with their identity. This article could really help people relate and even clear up their own feelings. Overall great article. Keep up the good work.

  21. Dylan Swickle

    Great article! I didn’t know that being Chinese had so much meaning to it. The title, “What Does Being Chinese Mean” immediately pulled me in and want to read it. This article was very inspiring. It not only shows that being Chinese makes you unique, but that being unique is not a bad thing. I feel that identifying with a culture always comes with embracing its traditions and a way of life.

  22. Audrey Chan

    I loved this article! It just shows that Chinese is another unique part of who you are and a component of your personality. I am half Chinese and half Vietnamese so every time I go over to my grandparent’s house I get a little taste of Vietnam. Vietnamese and Chinese cultures are somewhat similar but languages are completely different. Sometimes it’s hard communicating because I don’t speak Vietnamese, but their love shows through the food they make me! But I have taken pride in being Chinese, because it helped shape the person I am today!

  23. Audrey Chan

    I loved this article! It just shows that Chinese is another unique part of who you are and a component of your personality. I am half Chinese and half Vietnamese so every time I go over to my grandparent’s house I get a little taste of Vietnam. Vietnamese and Chinese cultures are somewhat similar but languages are completely different. Sometimes it’s hard communicating because I don’t speak Vietnamese, but their love shows through the food they make me! But I have taken pride in being Chinese, because it helped shape the person I am today!

  24. Joey Liu

    I agree with you, Gloria! Being Chinese is something that I am proud of. I love Chinese cuisine and the holidays are always fun. Being around my family members and celebrating the holidays is always something to look forward to. Thanks for sharing your story!

  25. Wesley Wang

    Wow. From the title, I was already intrigued with what you had to offer. You beautifully summed up what it’s like to be a part of a culture, whether Chinese or not. From celebrations to spending time with friends and families, I only start to realize now that being Chinese has shaped so much of my world. Your reflection on this issue is very inspiring, and it makes me think for myself as well. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Jasmine Chen

    Great article, Gloria! I can relate to this so much. Chinese New Year is the most celebrated holiday in my family. My mother and grandmother prepare so many dishes every year. They also constantly tell me to drink hot water and wear slippers in the house. Thanks for sharing!

  27. Matthew Lecher

    Gloria, this article is excellent. I had similar feelings to yours at one point. My family is 100% Austrian Jewish, a very small minority in the Ashkenazic community in Judaism. When I was growing up, my neighborhood did not contain very many Jewish people, so I felt a bit ostracized, and at the same time, I was grateful for the differences that I shared with my fellow neighbors and Jewish people. Events like your Chinese New Year and my Rosh Hashanah and Passover made me proud of who I am and who I have developed into as a practicing Jew. Thank you for sharing, and allowing me to share my story.

  28. Michael Kim

    This was a great article! Although I can’t relate to you, I can see how passionate you are about your nationality and culture. It’s interesting to learn about Chinese culture and the things that Chinese people do that differs from Korean. I’m glad you’re aware of who you are; I think it is very motivating for others to read this.

  29. Samuel Han

    This is very true, and it also applies to other people of Eastern Asian descent. Our culture is very rich, and all the anicent things and stuff is very interesting and fun to be a part of. Our culture dates back really far, and our culture and food and ceremonies is very rich. It’s very cool, and very nice article!

  30. Carina

    I love this article because it is so relatable. Before knowing what all about being Chinese is about, I’ve always just been so indifferent about it. I also really enjoy Chinese holidays with family and friends, it’s fun and it’s a tradition! And at the end I love how you wrote “there’s one thing I’ll never regret – being Chinese.” It’s funny because we didn’t really get a choice so we make the best of everything and it’s awesome!

  31. Jiaqi Shi

    When I first read the title, I was immediately intrigued. Being Chinese is definitely more than just being of the Chinese descent. I’m proud to be Chinese. I love Chinese cuisine, and the Chinese holidays are always so fun and unique. Overall this article is really good!

  32. Austin Kweit

    Nice Article! I agree that being Chinese is way more than the way you look and where your parents come from. It makes us special and different from other people and the way they act with their family.

  33. Jeffrey Jor

    Very interesting article, I myself am Chinese as well. I personally think that you should be proud of who you are and where you are from because of the fact that we cannot control it ourselves. Being Chinese sure contains positive aspects but being European or American is not something bad either. The important thing is to respect your birth place, be proud of who you are yourself.

  34. Stephen Liang

    As a fellow ABC myself, I can relate to the many cultural references from the article. For me, ethnicity provides a basis for one’s personality and passions. Being Chinese, I enjoy playing Chinese sports, such as badminton and ping-pong. In addition, I also love dim sum and other Chinese cuisine. Thanks for writing!

  35. Daniel Lu

    I love this reflection on your culture. Coming from a Jewish background, I have often questioned what that means as well. Of course, it’s slightly different as one is the people of a nation while the other is a religion. I also really enjoy Chinese holidays with family and friends, it’s fun and it’s a tradition

  36. Ethan Hsieh

    The article is great although I can’t say I’ve been there with thinking about my cultural background. I’ve never once have been upset about my cultural background we make great food/cuisine we celebrate holidays with our family. That’s not to say that I don’t understand what your saying I’ve seen a lot of people question the cultural backgrounds. The article is great and well put.

  37. Jason Zheng

    Wow this is really interesting, I agree with many of your points. Being chinese is a piece of my life. It is a way of life that will continue forever.

  38. lucas weinholtz

    great article. you really explained your culture well. you are definitely right about having fun holidays and having great food.

  39. Josephine Soong

    My favorite Chinese holiday is also Chinese New Year (the deciding factor being the 红包 haha)! I completely agree, being Chinese is less a label (although it may seem so at times) and is more a way of life, well said. I know that last names go first in Chinese names, but I never thought of it as a symbol or sign that we’re more focused on family. Well written, thanks for sharing!

  40. Camryn Yum

    I love being Chinese and all the cool holidays we get to experience and all the different types of foods we get to try. My favorite Chinese holiday is also Chinese New Year!!

  41. Bodhi Geslani

    Excellent article! I’m glad that you’re proud of being Chinese. You explained your culture really well and although I’m not Chinese, I know what it’s like to be apart of a culture. The foods sound delicious and the holidays must be fun. Your article was really inspiring. Keep up the good work!

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