抖音- The Tik Tok of China



抖音平台都是年轻用户,配乐以电音、舞曲为主,视频分为两派:舞蹈派、创意派,共同的特点是都很有节奏感。也有少数放着抒情音乐展示咖啡拉花技巧的用户,成了抖音圈的一股清流。当然了 也有很多人会利用这个平台来教大家一些知识,比如教大家中文,英文,韩文等等。



There are 21 comments

  1. Maya Yu

    Amazing article, Tina! I think Tik Tok is extremely interesting; I always see it on my Instagram feed. I never knew the background and layout of Tik Tok. I think it’s really interesting to see the various video editing techniques the user can employ: slow motion, fast forward, special effects, etc. The difference between Tik Tok and other apps – such as Musically – is its international outreach. Tik Tok is used all over the world, predominantly in Asian countries. However, Musically is typically only used in Western nations. Keep up the great work, Tina! Your articles are always so descriptive, interesting, and fun~~!

  2. Boshu Li


  3. Dillon Jia

    Great article Tina! Although I do not use Tik Tok, Vibrato sounds a lot like it. I think that it’s cool that people can edit their own videos like pros. I feel like the platform should be engineered towards people of all ages, not just young people. It’s also really educational that people can teach languages on the app. Vibrato has a lot more features than musically. Keep up the great work!

  4. hao kun liu

    抖音如滚雪球一般扩大的用户规模,跟它的内容相关年轻、美好和时尚。但抖音只是平台搭建方,内容的生产者是千千万万的素人。为了成为抖音红人,分享流量红利,素人挖空想象力创作 15 秒小视频,他们是抖音增长神话背后的缔造者。最近有些国家封闭了抖音,比如印度尼西亚,原因在于有些很多儿童不宜的视频。很多人感到反感而投诉。

  5. Lucy Cao


  6. Kevin Liu

    我本人是非常喜欢抖音的. 抖音上有许许多多样子的视频.我每天也会有一小部分时间刷抖音. 这个软件说好也好,说坏也坏. 有许多正能量的视频在上面被各种转发,也有一些低俗不好的视频.

  7. Kelly Wang

    Interesting article! I have heard of 抖音 before, but I never really knew what it was. I knew it was some sort of Chinese app. The videos that I’ve seen are always really cool! I kind of assumed it was like Vine or Snapchat. I think it’s great that China’s youth are having so much fun with it. I should have guessed from the name, but I did not know that this app focused on music! I am surprised it has become a tool for language learning as well!

  8. abby dong


  9. Eric Wang


  10. Max Wang


  11. Jessy Zhou

    相信应该所有00后的孩子都知道抖音这软件。抖音这款软件已经风流全中国了,在抖音上面你能看到很多生活小常识,解压的视频,友情的视频,爱情的视频…… 当然不能少的就是抖音神曲啦!几乎现在每个中国人的手机上都至少有一首抖音神曲吧。 在抖音里面有很多抖音达人教我们如何拍一些歌曲的手势舞,舞蹈,或者一些运镜。有时候当你无聊的时候就可以打开抖音刷一刷让你逗逗乐子,一刷就刷上几个小时,这也是抖音的缺点,因为老顾着刷抖音会忽略时间观念。所以刷抖音也要适可而止。现在抖音这款软件不单单只有中国有,几乎全世界都可以拥有这个软件。据数据统计全世界有七亿得人都在玩这款软件看来的确很火啊。那当然我们要“记录美好生活”的话就当然要用抖音app呀!

  12. Helen Zhang

    Amazing article, Tina! I heard of 抖音 because my family always talks about it. Although I don’t use it, but I still see videos about it on instagram. I think this is such an amazing app, and it allows people to record a lot of different stuff. The videos I see on instagram about 抖音 were really creative, and I really enjoyed watching it. Some were really funny. My grandfather also has 抖音, and he really likes it too. It allows us to like other people’s post just like instagram. I would download 抖音too, but I don’t have a Chinese app and I think they are downloaded only on a Chinese app. Overall, I learned a lot from this article!! Great job!

  13. amy yang


  14. Esther Lin

    Great article! I recently found out about Tik Tok over the summer from my Taiwanese cousin who came to New York to visit. My first thought was that the layout and overall idea is very similar to that of Musically which we use in the West. I don’t know much about Tik Tok but I believe it’s widely popular and used by mostly Asian countries. What I find interesting is the amount of celebrities/ idols that use Tik Tok as well. I’ve made a few videos with my cousin but don’t have it myself. Thank you for this fun and informative article!

  15. Ashley Lu

    Great article! I have definitely seen many ads for Tik Tok on both Instagram and youtube. I have seen many celebrities using the app on social media. However the app Tik Tok very closely resembles the musical app Musically. Musically is mainly used in America, but Tik Tok is used around the world and not just in Asia.

  16. rui lang


  17. Sabrina Pan

    Awesome article! I knew that China came out with a new app called Tik Tok but I didn’t know that it had this many uses. I used to have a Tik Tok account and I thought that it was really interesting how there were many people who using it and it didn’t only show Chinese pop but also included many humorous things inside.

  18. Joshua Cheuk

    Wow! Thanks for the article! I´ve heard of the app Tik Tok before. However, I didn’t know that there were so many uses for the app. I’ve always thought that the app was for entertainment. However, It can be used for dance party and creative school. That is really interesting! Also, I always thought that the app wasn popular. Apparantly, in China, Celebrities use this app too. This is a very interesting article!

  19. Renee Lin

    Wow this was as very interesting article. First i love the fact that you wrote the article in chinese. It is very eyeopening to know what the youth in china is up to. This shows that the youth of china and the youth of america are not very different. Both are very absorbed in social media. Keep up the good work.

  20. Joshua Cheuk

    Wow! Thanks for the article! I´ve heard of the app Tik Tok before. However, I didn’t know that there were so many uses for the app. I’ve always thought that the app was for entertainment. However, It can be used for dance party and creative school. That is really interesting! Also, I always thought that the app wasn´t popular. Apparantly, in China, Celebrities use this app too. This is a very interesting article!

  21. Richard Ren

    Thanks for the article! I haven’t heard of Tik Tok before. I never really knew what it was. I didn’t know there was some sort of Chinese equivalent either! This was a really interesting article about modern pop culture. Keep up the good work.

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