Jay Chou- More Than Just an Idol

Though Jay Chou is widely recognized as one of the most international pop stars, there is more to him than meets the eye! Check out this vid to see some more of what goes on in this world renown artist’s life!



There are 25 comments

  1. Dylan Swickle

    Thanks for making this video, Avery. I have been exposed to some of Jay Chou since singing Ting Mama De Hua last year in the Eggroll and Dumpling Day performance and think he is a great artist. I am fascinated by all that he has accomplished from making movies, making albums, to even filming some of his own short movies. In addition, I find it interesting that he emerged as not only a MandoPop artist, but also making music across many other genres such as Pop. I find it inspiring how Jay Chou has been able to accomplish so much in his career and it has shown me that with hard work and dedication, we can succeed in anything. He has created many song that I find very interesting and catchy, and his music making is incredible!

  2. Jason Suh

    Great video Avery! It was so interesting to learn more about Jay Chou! I never knew that he was so much more than singer/songwriter. My favorite song by him is 听妈妈的话。I didn’t know that he’s also done many other things like acting, playing basketball, writing, and playing video games. I also didn’t know that he has two kids. What I also find so interesting is how he has blended together different genres of music to form his own style. That’s so creative! His music is great and most of his songs spread positive messages. For example, in my favorite song of his, 听妈妈的话,he stresses the importance of listening to your mother because she loves you. Great video and thanks for sharing!

  3. Jennifer Lin

    This article and video was so interesting. Reading and reflecting about Jay Chou is like a walk down memory lane. Obviously, Jay is a music genius with unparallel fame in the Chinese community. He is widely known as the Emperor (天王) for a long time (15+ years). It’s impossible for you to find a Chinese unaware of him. Even in 2018, after his career “peak”, his concert is still the most expensively priced due to immense demands, and tickets are often scalped. He’s by far the highest grossed Chinese singer. But more importantly, Kindness and character extrudes from his actions. Jay makes millions of anonymous donations to various causes.

  4. abby dong


  5. Emily Shi

    Great job Avery! Jay Chou is definitely by far one of my favorite Chinese artists. However, I never looked into his background. You did and awesome job describing him! It’s interesting to know that he incorporates other styles of music into his songs. It’s even more interesting that he even created his own style of music. My personal favorite song of his has to be 告白气球. The name of the song directly translates to “Confession Balloon.” This song tells of a love story between him and a girl. Both the music and story behind it are beautiful, showing how wonderful of an artist he is. We need more music like this in our generation. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Derek Zhang

    This article is very interesting. I did some digging after this article. Never seem a man so cute. Jay is a famous musician in China. He impacted the new generation in the recent twelve years all over China significantly. Another interesting aspect I picked up in this article’s title: JAY CHOU- MORE THAN JUST AN IDOL. I wonder if jay is more than just a normal idol…..(lmao I didn’t) In the third source where the author provided us some clue. I realized he is the man made 听妈妈的话. I still remembered the whole class got brainwashed by 听妈妈的话. Anyways, I hope Jay can become more than just an idol. He has so much potential with his life. I appreciated what he did to me and others. Keep spreading more positive messages !!! The song 听妈妈的话 = listen to your mom. Jay you should make a song named listen to your dad. If you need help with the lyrics of listen to your dad, just change your mom to your dad simple. You will become more than just an idol for sure. (so far you are discriminating man ) 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  7. Matthew Lecher

    Jay Chou is an idol for all people around the world who take music seriously, and you stated this argument so clearly in your piece. As for the music he creates, Chou takes influence from other sources across the world, including spiritual, hip-hop and pop music from east and west, to create his own unique style. He is also well-connected with stars and athletes across the world, who all share a passion of relationships, family and music. Music is the common bond between human beings, and Chou truly agrees with this statement. I also recall performing his piece at our inter-scholastic Chinese convention, EggRoll and Dumpling Day. Listening to the story of how he started his life from humble beginnings was an accessible face to who Chou truly was. He is given nickname after nickname, title after title, just a token of how humble, honest and true his performances and thoughts are as a person. Thank you very much for sharing, Avery.

  8. Jessy Zhou

    周杰伦他是我最喜爱的歌手之一,他现在也是天王级别的人物哦~ 可是所有人意想不到的是他最初不是做歌手而是在一家餐馆打工,也没有上过大学。由于他热爱音乐所以决定开始做歌手。周杰伦是一位台湾人,他从小在一个单亲家庭长大,和他的妈妈一起生活非常爱他的妈妈,所以他便写了一首歌叫听妈妈的话送给她的妈妈,周杰伦也非常孝敬他的妈妈。周杰伦从小就学钢琴和小提琴所以他非常有音乐天赋。2014年的时候他与他的老婆走向了婚姻的殿堂,而很多粉丝因为他结婚而哭的撕心裂肺。现在有两个小宝宝啦!周杰伦有很多歌非常火比如青花瓷,七里香,菊花台,听妈妈的话,告白气球…… 周杰伦也是第一位把R&B音乐和中国风结合在一起,因为周杰伦自己本身就非常喜欢中国文化!

  9. Jeff Bao

    Great job Avery! Jay Chou has become very popular and has been featured in many movies, such as the Green Hornet and the movie Secret. I’ve also listened to some of his music and he’s very talented. Although many people in the U.S might not know him, I’m sure the people in China regard him as a famous celebrity. It’s also interesting how Jay inputs other styles of music into his own. Moreover, you did a very good job explaining his background information. I didn’t even know that he had kids yet! A lot of his music spread positive vibes and I hope he continues to do that. Clearly, Jay Chou is an amazing celebrity as he provides a positive impact on our world.

  10. Herin Ahn

    I knew who Jay Chou was because I sang his song 听妈妈的话 last year for the Egg Roll Dumpling Day. I thought he was an old person who likes to sing ballad. After watching that music video and some other youtube clips, I realized that he actually was a very famous star who had been starred to many movies and made many record-breaking musics. I like how Jay Chou spread his feet to the world, welcoming and adopting new cultures and new genres. Not only learning about new things, he combined them into his music and tried out for new things. I think Jay Chou can give many hopes and inspirations to the future generation. I didn’t really know much about Jay Chou before reading this article. Thank you for sharing this, Avery!

  11. Pritesh Patel

    Great Job Avery! Personally, I have heard of Jay Chou, but I have never listened to his music. I was never into music that wasn’t in English unless it was for the memes. I only thought that he made music though. I never knew that he starred in movies. After watching that music video, I have respect for him. He gives hope and inspiration to people he has touched. I think its great how artists speak from the heart in their music as a way to express themselves. Keep up the great work Avery.

  12. Helen Zhang

    Amazing video, Avery! My family listens to a lot of Jay Chou’s song, so I know most of his songs too. One of my favorite songs from Jay Chou is 听妈妈的话, which is the one we sang last year for Egg Roll and Dumpling Day. That song was kind of difficult to sing because the lyrics was going so fast and you have to be really good in Chinese in order to sing it, but it was still very fun. I really hope we can sing another Jay Chou song this year. Jay Chou is an amazing singer and he is admired by many people. He is consider one of the most famous people in China. If you ask anyone in China who’s Jay Chou, they will definitely tell you who he is and they might even be able to sing one of his songs. I think one of his newest song is 不爱我就拉倒, which is a really amazing song too!

  13. Preethi S.

    Wonderful video, Avery! Before this video, I had no idea who Jay Chou was before I watched this video. It was really interesting to look into the background of a Chinese musician instead of only knowing the backgrounds of American singers, such as Justin Bieber. You did an amazing and very detailed job on describing everything about him. I learned that he incorporated different styles of music into his songs. I thought it was cool that he created his own style of music too! His songs seem to have so much meaning and story in it. Very few artists incorporate this technique into their music which is what makes them so successful.

  14. Beibei Chen


  15. Eric Ma

    Wow. This is interesting. I ever knew who Jay Chou was before I watched this video. I was surprised that people can sing so well in Chinese. It’s like Drake of China.

  16. amy yang

    小编做的视频很用心。周杰伦现在是很有名的明星了,是90后00后家喻户晓的歌手吧,我特别喜欢听他唱的 安静 和 告白气球。 他的声音很好听,苏苏的。他唱的歌曲基本上都是自己作词自己谱曲的,我觉得这是最令人佩服的一点。 他的坚持不懈也是从无人知道的小歌手到现在的家喻户晓的天王级歌手的原因。周杰伦也从来没有负面新闻,他一直都是做好自己,然后给大家带来音乐的快乐。

  17. Jessica Chen

    This was an amazing article! I’ve heard of this artist before and listen to some of his songs. All of the songs I’ve listened to are all very catchy, such as Love Confession. I know that he’s a singer, but I had no clue that he acts too!

  18. Catherine L

    Wow. I’m not familiar with Chinese actors or singers, but this guy seems to be very talented. I didn’t know that he had two children. I didn’t know anything about him other than he is an actor. Great article.

  19. Naomi Yu

    Great video Avery! I always found it interesting to learn about Chinese idols because, in America’s Hollywood, there are rarely any Asian role models. I loved how you included Jay’s favorite hobbies and interests as I think we can collectively forget that celebrities are humans too! Jay seems to be an amazing star as he not only focuses on his own career but also on giving back to the community. It was a great idea to research deeper into the lives of people in influential roles in Chinese pop culture. Keep up the good work!

  20. Claire Ma

    This video is so cool! I remember my mom showing me one of his songs from many years ago called 听妈妈的话 which was made in 2006. It’s interesting how he composed many styles of music besides Mandopop such as American pop, R & B, and hip-hop. I learned that he has many side hobbies such as playing basketball, playing games, and writing. I didn’t know that he has a wife and two children now. He is definitely very talented and inspirational, and his songs are very good. I don’t know much about Chinese celebrities, but I did enjoy this video about Jay Chou!

  21. Joey Liu

    My sister is a fan of Jay Chou’s. I like his music because my sister plays it sometimes in the car, but I never found the time to actually listen to his songs. I know that he is very famous for his mandarin pop music but I never knew that he also dabbled other musical genres. I can’t believe that he is also an actor and director. What a multi-talented person. Great job on the amazing video!

  22. Oscar Yan

    Avery, your video was great!. I personally don’t listen to his music but I have heard of him and my parents listen to his music. I learned how he composed many styles of music besides Mandopop such as American pop, R & B, and hip-hop. I also learned that he has many side hobbies such as basketball, video games, and writing books. He is very talented and I believe he will continue to grow.

  23. Kyle Chan

    I really loved this article Avery. I’m glad you have brought my favorite music artist, Jay Chou into the news. I think he has the best mandarin pop music and he is an amazing actor and director. Also, I am glad you made a nice video on Jay Chou since he has awesome kpop videos. This video really brought out the light onto Jay Chou and his achievements. I’m really excited for his next song and thank you for this awesome video.

  24. Ethan Wang

    I really enjoyed this. Although I have never heard of Jay Chou, I think it is very interesting. I think he should be in the mainstream media more. I may have to listen to his music, because people say he has one of the best pop music in china.

  25. Esther Lin

    When most people say the name “Jay Chou”, I automatically think about the king of Mando-pop. Since he’s a Taiwanese singer, my older cousins and friends back at home grew up listening to his songs. I think the work he’s done has opened up Mando-pop to the world. He’s the only Mando singer/ idol that I listen to and know of because of his amazing talent. I can’t wait for his future works!

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