故宫-The Forbidden City (The Palace Museum)

The forbidden city is one of the most popular places that people visit in China. For the first time after the reconstruction of the forbidden city, it is now open to the public. They also have many exciting events such as the GuGong hotpot!

故宫位于北京市中心,旧称紫禁城。是明、清两代的皇宫,无与伦比的古代建筑杰作,世界现存最大、最完整的木质结构的古建筑群. 故宫,即指在封建王朝统治时期,前王朝皇帝所居住工作的宫殿建筑群,现多指位于北京的故宫博物院。故宫始建于明永乐4年(1406年),1420年基本竣工,是明朝皇帝朱棣始建。故宫南北长961米,东西宽753米,面积约为725,000平方米。建筑面积15.5万平方米。相传故宫一共有9999.5间房,有人做过形象比喻,说一个人从出生就开始住,每一天住一间房,不重复,要住到 27岁 才可以出来。由于古代建筑是以“四柱一间”为标准的。实际据1973年专家现场测量故宫有房间 8707间 。宫城周围环绕着高12米,长3400米的宫墙,形式为一长方形城池,墙外有52米宽的护城河环绕,形成一个森严壁垒的城堡。故宫宫殿建筑均是木结构、黄琉璃瓦顶、青白石底座,饰以金碧辉煌的彩画。故宫有4个门,正 门名午门,东门名东华门,西门名西华门,北门名神武门。面对北门神武门,有用土、石筑成的景山,满山松柏成林。在整体布局上,景山可说是故宫建筑群的屏障。


There are 10 comments

  1. Joshua Cheuk

    This was a very interesting article, Tina! I’ve never heard about the forbidden city before. However, after reading this article, I really want to check that place out. I never knew that it had such a long history about it. Also, I can’t believe that it has about 10,000 rooms in it. I can barely imagine the size of the city. This was a cool article!

  2. Tyler Lin

    This was intriguing! I have never heard about this place before. It seems very interesting and I would like to check it out later! After reading the descriptions about the place I realized how large the palace actually is. It was very deceiving with just the picture and I thought that it was smaller than it actually is. I think that I would like to go there in the near future!

  3. Dylan Patel

    This is a very interesting article. I have never seen this place before. This looks like a really cool place. I did not realize how big it is. It is crazy how it has 10,000 rooms. The picture makes the palace seem small. I feel like this is a must visit and will definitely look into the place more.

  4. Justin Kweit

    I remember when I visited the Forbidden City on our trip to China. I was very surprised that behind that very big building there is basically a big city behind it. Before I visited it for some reason I believed it was just that building that you see in pictures. Seeing all the rooms and history was very moving. It was a very memorable part of my trip that I will hopefully never forget. I can’t wait until the time when I can go back.

  5. Teran Jafari

    This was a very intersting topic and concept to write an article about. I have not really learned about the forbidden city that much but I have heard vaguely that if you travel to China, these one of many landmarks in China to go visit. After reading this article I hope to travel to China and see the forbidden City’s true size and magnificence. I never knew that it had such a long history about it I have been to something similar in Japan but, that seemed substantially different from this. I hope to travel there soon. Great article.

  6. Renee Lin

    Wow what an amazing article! It is great how one of the most iconic landmarks in China was able to be rebuilt and be opened to the public. I personally have never been to the forbidden city. However now I know that the next time I visit China it will be one of my first destinations. Besides that, I found it amazing that you were able to write an entire article in Chinese. It really shows your understanding of the language and your passion for it. Keep up the good work!

  7. Herin Ahn

    Although I’ve never been to the Forbidden City, we had a chapter about its history, facts, why it was established, etc. But I didn’t know that Gugong was this big and had this long history. It’s sad how the palace isn’t 100% restored, but I’m glad that it is being repaired bit by bit and is open to the public. During days when the Chinese emperor actually lived in the palace, I don’t think the common people even dreamed of entering the palace and taking a tour around it. Looking at how much information and effort you put in into this article, I really appreciate your hard work. Great job 🙂

  8. ethan zhu

    I had went to the Forbidden City once before, and it was incredible there. It is probably one of the most popular landmarks that are located in China. When I go to China again, I would definitely want to go to this place again! I never knew it had such a rich background before. The interior of the place was really wide and had a lot of designs.

  9. Joshua Dong

    Nice Job Tina! Although i couldn’t’ read Chinese that well, I google translated this article and found out the meaning. This place seems really big and larger than the image on the article. One fact I’m really surprised about is that the building has 9999.5 rooms. How do you have half a room and why didn’t you make half a room more? Overall, this was an interesting choice of a topic and I learned a lot of new facts. Keep up the nice work!

  10. Audrey Chan

    Before reading your work I have never even hear about the Forbidden City. But after reading your article, I will be sure to visit the next time I go to China. I can’t believe there are 10,000 rooms in the palace. I cant even begin to visualize the size of the place! I didn’t know that this popular landmark had such an extensive background!

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