All posts by Avery Porges



In Chinese IV, we’ve recently been learning about ancient Chinese fables. These fables show us the mistakes people from the past made, and what we could do to avoid them. In 杞人忧天, a man from the Qi province feared the sky would fall and crush him. Wath the video above to learn from his foolish mistakes!

The March of the Volunteers- The Chinese National Anthem

The March of the Volunteers- The Chinese National Anthem

  Chinese Lyrics: 起来! 不愿做奴隶的人们! 把我们的血肉, 筑成我们新的长城!  中华民族到了最危险的时候, 每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声。 起来! 起来! 起来! 我们万众一心, 冒着敌人的炮火, 前进! 冒着敌人的炮火, 前进! 前进! 前进! 进! English Lyrics: Arise, you who refuse to be



When visiting China, interacting with new people is inevitable. It’s extremely important to know how to tactfully communicate with natives,

China’s Top 5

China’s Top 5

Ever struggling to find important, but not necessarily well known places for your next trip to China? In this video,